What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a system of medicine which is about 200 years old. Homeopathy was founded in Germany, Europe and not in India. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann was the founder of homeopathy who was a renowned highly qualified German allopath of his time. The basic principle of homeopathy is ‘Similia Similibus Curentur’ which means ‘likes are cured…

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Chemotherapy in Cancer & Role of Homeopathy

There are many side effects of chemotherapy and these side effects can be reduced to a greater extent with proper homeopathic treatment. What is Chemotherapy? In chemotherapy strong chemical drugs are given. These drugs are known as cytotoxic drugs. The literal meaning of which is “cyto means cells and toxic means poison.” So basically, they…

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Can Homeopathy Treat Cancer?

Homeopathy is very effective in cancer but along with allopathic treatment. Some homeopathic doctors advise their patients to quit allopathic treatment and take only homeopathic treatment; this is wrong and is very dangerous. Even in the later stages of cancer homeopathic treatment is very effective and problems of patient can be reduced to a great…

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Dialysis in CKD or Kidney Failure

  What is Dialysis? Dialysis is an artificial process by which waste material and excess water is taken out from the blood. It is the most important function of kidneys but when they fail completely, it is done by artificial dialysis. Types of Dialysis There are 2 kinds of dialysis: first is peritoneal dialysis, also…

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Diet in CKD or Kidney Failure

In my clinical practice I get some diet related queries from CKD patients. Today I will discuss about these FAQs. Potassium rich foods and CKD: Many patients ask about dangers of elevated potassium levels in blood and the reasons for not eating potassium rich food. The elevated levels of potassium in blood leads to problems…

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