Top 6 Tips for Height Increase

Avoid Hormones and Steroids Some doctors prescribe hormones and steroids for height increase. These substances can have serious side effects and are not good for your health. Consult a Homeopath Early Consult a good homeopath as early as possible. Boys typically have a major growth spurt between 12 and 16 years of age, while girls experience this b…
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Top 6 Tips for Trigeminal Neuralgia

Protect Your Face from Cold Air Avoid direct exposure of your face to cold air by using a scarf for protection. Use Moderate Temperature Water When bathing or washing your face, opt for water at a moderate temperature to prevent triggering sensitivity. Control Food Temperature Maintain the temperature of your food within a comfortable range; neithe…
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7 Effective Tips for Sinusitis: Diet, Lifestyle & Home Remedies

Avoid Cold Triggers: Protect yourself from cold weather and avoid exposure to chilled air from air conditioners. Refrain from consuming cold foods and drinks, such as cold juices, bananas, and guava, as well as curd, as they can aggravate sinus issues. Consume Warm Drinks: Drink warm beverages like ginger tea at least twice a day to help soothe the…
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5 Effective Tips for Sciatica: Home Remedies & Lifestyle

Avoid Lifting Heavy Objects: Do not push, pull, or carry items heavier than 2 kg to prevent straining your back. Use Proper Lifting Techniques: Always bend your knees and elbows when lifting heavy objects from the floor to minimize stress on your back. Support Your Knees While Sleeping: If the pain is severe, place a pillow under your knees while s…
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7 Tips for Managing Piles: Diet & Lifestyle

Avoid Irritating Foods and Drinks: Steer clear of fatty foods, spicy dishes, non-vegetarian foods, and alcohol, as they can exacerbate piles symptoms. Stay Hydrated: Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily to keep your digestive system functioning properly and prevent constipation. Take Frequent Breaks: Avoid sitting for long periods while working.…
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Top 12 Home Remedies for Atopic Dermatitis

Moisturize Twice Daily: Apply a natural moisturizer like coconut oil or a dermatologically tested cream twice a day, once after bathing and again before sleeping, to keep your skin hydrated. Limit Bath Duration: Avoid long baths or showers. Use warm (not hot) water, and bathe only once a day to prevent skin dryness. Use Gentle Soaps: Choose mild, f…
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Top 5 Simple Tips for Vaginal Yeast Infection: Diet & Lifestyle

Consume Unsweetened Curd: Eat curd (yogurt) without added sugar, as it helps control yeast infections due to its probiotic content. Avoid Sugar: Eliminate sugar in all forms from your diet, as it can promote the growth of yeast. Use Antibiotics Wisely: Avoid unnecessary use of antibiotics, as they can disrupt the natural balance of bacteria and yea…
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Top 8 Simple Tips for Psoriasis: Diet & Lifestyle

Stay Hydrated: Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily to keep your skin hydrated and support overall health. Avoid Unhealthy Foods: Steer clear of fast food, as well as foods containing artificial colors and preservatives, which may worsen symptoms. Quit Smoking and Tobacco: Avoid tobacco products and smoking, as they can aggravate psoriasis and i…
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Vitamin D Supplement: Cod Liver Oil

Cod liver oil is a safe and natural supplement, with a long history of use dating back to 1770. It is rich in Vitamin D, Vitamin A, and Omega-3 fatty acids.   These nutrients are beneficial for your overall health, supporting strong bones, good vision, a healthy immune system, and a well-functioning heart.…
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Top 13 Home Remedies & Diet Tips for Psoriasis

I don’t need to tell you that a well-balanced diet which includes lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, proteins, and nuts is important. Avoid drinking alcohol. The effectiveness of psoriasis treatment reduces because of alcohol. Start taking fish oil capsules. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil reduce inflammation associated with psor…
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6 Effective Tips for Styes: Lifestyle & Home Remedies

Avoid Touching or Squeezing the Stye: Do not touch the stye or attempt to squeeze pus from it, as this can worsen the infection. Cleanse Your Eyes Regularly: Wash your eyes with clean water at least twice a day to keep the area free from irritants and bacteria. Apply Warm Compresses: Use a warm, wet cloth to apply compresses to the affected a…
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5 Simple Tips for Kidney Stones: Diet & Lifestyle

Drink at least 3 liters of water a day; drink a small quantity of water at short intervals. Reduce food items which are rich in calcium oxalate like spinach, strawberries, tomatoes, apple juice, chocolate, soda, cold drinks, berries, tea and so on. To keep uric acid in range, eat a low protein diet. Reduce intake of kidney beans, chickpea, an…
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8 Simple Tips for IBS – Lifestyle & Diet for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

In addition to homeopathy treatment patients should do the following to cure IBS fast: No hurry, no worry, no curry. Curry means rich spicy food. Avoid alcohol and cold drinks. Quit smoking. Don’t overuse tea and coffee. In general patients should avoid eating food which makes them worse. And this may be different for different peop…
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What are Genital Warts?

What are Genital or Anal Warts, its Causes & Complications Genital or anal warts are soft fleshy growths. These warts are the most common STDs (Sexually Transmitted Disease). The culprit virus is HPV (Human Papilloma Virus). These are also called condylomata acuminata and venereal warts. If I talk about 15 years ago, genital warts w…
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6 Simple Tips for Urticaria

Patients regularly ask me what else they can do apart from taking my homeopathy treatment for speedy recovery of urticaria. You should avoid allergic causes if you are able to identify them. Calamine lotion and cold compress can be used to reduce itching. Avoid packed food because it contains colours and preservatives. Av…
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5 Simple Tips to Reduce Uric Acid – Lifestyle, Diet & Home Remedies

Patients regularly ask me what else they can do to reduce uric acid apart from taking my remedies. I will not share fancy things but simple ones. I have seen in my practice that these tips are super effective. Avoid kidney beans, chickpeas, nonveg and so on. Avoid alcohol, beer etc. Avoid sugary things like soft drinks, packed juices, bak…
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How to Treat Adenoids Naturally without Surgery

What is Adenoid Problem in Children As there are tonsils in the throat, similarly there are adenoids behind the nose. Tonsils are visible when the mouth is wide open, but adenoids are not visible. To see enlarged adenoids xray should be done. Adenoids help to keep the body healthy by trapping bacteria and viruses that enter our bodies thro…
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A Case of Genital Herpes Treated with Mercurius Solubilis

This 20 years old male patient came to me 2 years back. He said that his problem of genital herpes started 3 years ago. He gets outbreaks every 15 days on the shaft of penis. Outbreak starts as small reddish eruptions which are also known as red vesicular eruptions. These vesicular eruptions then break and ulcerate and form blisters. …
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8 Simple Tips for Enlarged Adenoids – Lifestyle, Diet & Home Remedies

Protect yourself from cold weather and AC should not be chilled. Do not eat or drink cold things. Avoid cold drinks & juices. Fruits which are cold to our body like banana, guava should be avoided. Avoid sour food. Avoid food like chips, kurkure, candies, sauce, ketchup. Also avoid curd. Avoid food containing artificial colors an…
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Don’t Start Autism Homeopathy Treatment Until You Read This!

What is Autism? Autism is also known as ASD. The full form of ASD is autism spectrum disorder. Mild autism is also known as Asperger’s syndrome. Autism typically appears during the first two years of life. Autism is a brain development problem in which a child’s ability to communicate and interact properly with others is affected. Ca…
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How I Treated a Case of Vaginal Genital Herpes with Kreosotum

This 26 years old female patient came to me 2 years back. She said that she had unprotected sex with her partner 20 days ago. After 10 days she got red color blisters and ulcers on vagina and vulvar area. She said that while urinating she is experiencing unbearable burning pain in vagina and vulvar area. The patient is thirstless and li…
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7 Simple Tips for Asthma – Lifestyle, Diet & Home Remedies

Patients regularly ask me what else they can do to recover from Asthma apart from taking my remedies. I will share 6 simple tips which are super effective. Save yourself from cold. AC should not be chilled. Do not eat cold food and drinks. Avoid fruits like banana, guava and so on. Avoid sour food items. Avoid things like chips, Kurkure, can…
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Don’t Start Asthma Homeopathic Treatment Until You Read This!

What is Asthma? Asthma is a Greek word which means ‘to fight for each single breath.’ The air we breathe travels through bronchial tubes which are also known as airways. In asthma these airways constrict which causes obstruction to free airflow. In asthma patients there is hypersensitivity of the airways and even mild allergies constric…
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Can Cancer be Cured Permanently?

In my opinion, one out of three cancer cases can be cured if the patient starts homeopathic treatment along with allopathic treatment. But this statement is very subjective, and it depends upon type of cancer. For example, skin cancer can be seen and can be diagnosed before it spreads to other parts. But melanoma is an exception here. In cases of s…
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What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a system of medicine which is about 200 years old. Homeopathy was founded in Germany, Europe and not in India. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann was the founder of homeopathy who was a renowned highly qualified German allopath of his time. The basic principle of homeopathy is ‘Similia Similibus Curentur’ which means ‘likes are cured by likes.’ In …
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Don’t Start Psoriasis Homeopathy Treatment Until You Read This!

Allopathic Treatment Before we discuss about homeopathy let us know the allopathic treatment of psoriasis. When an allopathic doctor treats a psoriasis patient, he uses three step method which is also known as ‘1-2-3’ approach. These steps are decided on various factors like severity of disease, extent of area, type of psoriasis, patient’s respons…
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Chemotherapy in Cancer & Role of Homeopathy

There are many side effects of chemotherapy and these side effects can be reduced to a greater extent with proper homeopathic treatment. What is Chemotherapy? In chemotherapy strong chemical drugs are given. These drugs are known as cytotoxic drugs. The literal meaning of which is “cyto means cells and toxic means poison.” So basically, they are c…
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Can Homeopathy Treat Cancer?

Homeopathy is very effective in cancer but along with allopathic treatment. Some homeopathic doctors advise their patients to quit allopathic treatment and take only homeopathic treatment; this is wrong and is very dangerous. Even in the later stages of cancer homeopathic treatment is very effective and problems of patient can be reduced to a gr…
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Homeopathy first makes the disease worse. True or False.

In my clinical practice many patients ask a question that why homeopathic remedies first aggravate the problem. My answer to this question is – It is a myth and a false statement. There are many reasons for aggravation of symptoms after taking homeopathic medicines: A doctor has given the medicine without taking the proper case history and w…
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Hair Fall in Chemotherapy and Role of Homeopathy

I have seen in my clinical practice that cancer patients who are getting chemotherapy worry a lot about their hair fall.  These patients want homeopathic intervention from me to control their hair fall. During chemotherapy cytotoxic drugs are prescribed which leads to hair fall. If hair fall does not happen, then hair thinning is inevita…
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Side Effects of Homeopathy ‘Yes’ or ‘No’

Most people believe that homeopathic medicines do not have side effects; and due to this belief, they self-medicate by reading somewhere, by hearing someone, by listening to so called YouTube doctors who sell and abuse medicines.   What are side effects? First, we need to understand what exactly side effects mean. What is the defini…
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Relationship Between Creatinine Level and CKD

Today we will discuss about serum creatinine level. Basically, I will tell you how much creatinine level is equal to how much kidney failure. In the early stages of CKD, no visible signs and symptoms appear in the patient. The reason for this is failing kidneys do a lot of overwork to excrete waste products and extra water from the body; and due…
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Dialysis in CKD or Kidney Failure

  What is Dialysis? Dialysis is an artificial process by which waste material and excess water is taken out from the blood. It is the most important function of kidneys but when they fail completely, it is done by artificial dialysis. Types of Dialysis There are 2 kinds of dialysis: first is peritoneal dialysis, also called PD and …
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Diet in CKD or Kidney Failure

In my clinical practice I get some diet related queries from CKD patients. Today I will discuss about these FAQs. Potassium rich foods and CKD: Many patients ask about dangers of elevated potassium levels in blood and the reasons for not eating potassium rich food. The elevated levels of potassium in blood leads to problems of nerves, muscles…
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Living Long and Healthy with CKD!

If a CKD patient starts taking homeopathic treatment in the early stages, take care of their diet, avoid taking unnecessary medicines, do regular walk or exercise; then I have seen that the reason for their death is not CKD, and they also live long and healthy life. Heart disease in CKD patients I have seen that majority of CKD patients die o…
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Causes of CKD (Kidney Failure)

What are the causes of kidney failure or CKD? There are many reasons of kidney failure, but we would talk about the most common causes. Diabetes: According to my clinical experience diabetes especially uncontrolled diabetes is one of the most common causes of kidney failure. Diabetes causes diabetic nephropathy. Extra sugar present in a di…
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Can Homeopathy Treat CKD or Kidney Failure

Homeopathy is very effective in cases of CKD but along with allopathic treatment. Some homeopaths are against allopathic treatment along with homeopathy which is wrong and very harmful. In any stage of CKD homeopathic treatment should be started as soon as possible to avoid complete renal damage. Patients who are already on dialysis should…
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7 Early Signs of Cancer

Today I would discuss 7 signs and symptoms, with the help of which cancer can be diagnosed in its early stages. Friends, it is very important to diagnose and treat cancer in its early stages. The stage at which cancer is diagnosed decides whether cancer can be completely cured or not. In early stages, cancer does not show any signs and sympto…
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Don’t Start Otitis Media Homeopathy Treatment Until You Read This!

What is otitis media? The ear has three parts: the outer ear, which is visible from outside, middle ear and inner ear. Inflammation of the middle ear is known as otitis media. This inflammation can happen because of viruses, bacteria, fungus. In otitis media, behind the ear drum, pus, fluid, swelling occurs. Frequently otitis media can …
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Varicocele – 4 Simple Tips – Lifestyle & Home Remedies

Patients regularly ask me what else they can do to recover from varicocele apart from taking my remedies. Top 4 simple tips for varicocele which are super effective. Support the scrotum by wearing an athletic supporter or snug briefs. Constipation should not happen because this will increase intraabdominal pressure and further worse varicoce…
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Don’t Start Varicocele Homeopathy Treatment Until You Read This!

What is Varicocele, Causes & Symptoms? There are veins in our scrotum. The function of these veins is to regulate the blood supply of testicles. In varicocele basically there is swelling of these veins and the patient has a feeling of bag of worms in the scrotum. Varicocele feels like a soft, elastic swelling which is painful. As va…
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Otitis Media – 4 Simple Tips – Lifestyle, Diet & Home Remedies

Patients regularly ask me what else they can do for otitis media apart from taking my homeopathic treatment for speedy recovery. Top 4 simple tips for otitis media which are super effective. Protect yourself from cold weather and AC should not be chilled. Do not eat or drink cold things. Avoid cold drinks and juices. Avoid cold fruits like b…
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How to Treat Acne Pimples Naturally with Homeopathy

What is Acne? Acne is a very common skin condition that occurs generally among teenagers though it affects people of all ages. In this basically hair follicles become plugged with excess oil and dead skin cells which leads to growth of bacteria and inflammation. Acne appears on the face, chest, shoulders, upper back. When acne heals, th…
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Nasal Polyps – 6 Simple Tips – Lifestyle, Diet & Home Remedies

Nasal Polyps – 6 Simple Tips – Lifestyle, Diet & Home Remedies Protect yourself from cold weather and AC should not be chilled. Do not eat or drink cold things. Avoid cold drinks & juices. Fruits which are cold to our body like banana, guava should be avoided. Wear mask when the air is polluted. Use air purifier at home.  Avo…
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Acne or Pimples – 7 Simple Tips – Lifestyle, Diet & Home Remedies

Acne or Pimples – 7 Simple Tips – Lifestyle, Diet & Home Remedies Patients regularly ask me what else they can do for otitis media apart from taking my homeopathic treatment for speedy recovery. Top 4 simple tips for otitis media which are super effective. Protect yourself from cold weather and AC should not be chilled. Do not eat or …
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Don’t Start Nasal Polyps Homeopathy Treatment Until You Read This!

What are Nasal Polyps & its Causes? Nasal polyps are soft, painless growth on the lining of nasal passages or sinuses. They hang down like teardrops or grapes. These are noncancerous growth. If you are getting frequent nasal infections, cough, cold, sinusitis, asthma then your chances of developing nasal polyps increases. Overuse…
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5 Simple Tips for Molluscum Contagiosum – Lifestyle & Home Remedies

Super effective tips for molluscum contagiosum. Patients regularly ask me what else they can do apart from taking my homeopathy treatment for speedy recovery. Wash your hands at least 4 times a day. Do not scratch molluscum lesions. Do not share your personal stuff like soap, towel, hairbrush, shoes and so on. If molluscum is on gen…
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7 Simple Home Remedies for Fatty Liver

Super effective simple tips for fatty liver. Patients regularly ask me what else they can do apart from taking my homeopathy treatment for speedy recovery. Alcohol should be taken only during social drinking and that also in less quantity. Avoid allopathic, ayurvedic, unani medicines as far as possible as most of them are hepatotoxic. Avo…
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Top 5 Tips for Corns & Callus – Lifestyle & Home Remedies

Super effective 5 simple tips for corns and callus. Patients regularly ask me what else they can do apart from taking my homeopathy treatment for speedy recovery. Wear well fitted shoes which should not be too tight or too loose. Do not wear shoes without socks. Wear gloves when using instruments and tools. Soak feet or hands in warm w…
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7 Simple Tips for Laryngitis or Hoarseness – Diet & Lifestyle

Super effective simple tips for Laryngitis. Patients regularly ask me what else they can do apart from taking my homeopathy treatment for speedy recovery. Do not talk. Give rest to your voice. Drink honey ginger tea at least twice a day. Eat semisolid food. Avoid cold food and drinks. Do not eat sour food and drinks. Quit alcohol…
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Tinea Cruris or Jock Itch Homeopathic Treatment

Allopathic Treatment When a tinea cruris patient consults a skin specialist, he prescribes antifungal medicines – orally and creams in the form of external application. Ointments like econazole, amorolfine, clotrimazole are prescribed. Sometimes corticosteroids are also added. With this treatment, the symptoms and discomfort of the patient…
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Cancer Patient Treated with Homeopathy

Friends, today I will discuss a case of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor which is also known as PNET with neuroendocrine liver metastasis also known as NELM. This patient came to me 9 years ago; at that time her age was 64 years. She was a pleasant lady, very cheerful personality from a rich background and socially very active. She was dressed ve…
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Tuberculosis & its Homeopathic Treatment

  What is tuberculosis? Well tuberculosis is also called TB, and sometimes consumption. Yes consumption, because it seems to consume people with its symptoms of bloody cough, fever, pallor, and long relentless wasting. TB is caused by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It spreads through air droplets which are expelled when…
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Understanding KFT (Kidney Function Test) & Other Tests in CKD

Blood tests and other investigations become an integral part of CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease or Kidney Failure) patient’s life. Creatinine: This is the most important test which really matters. Basically, creatinine is a waste product of muscles which is removed from the body by kidneys. The normal level of creatinine is up to 1.2mg/dl. …
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How I Treated a Case of Alopecia Areata with Graphites

This male patient aged 40 years came to me about 4 years ago for the treatment of alopecia areata. Patient said that he has been suffering from bald spots for last 3 years. He added that he is suffering from severe hair fall in general also; and the bald spots are increasing both in size and number. Patient got steroid injections on the scalp but w…
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A Case of Genital Warts on Scrotum Treated with Acid Nitricum

This Thirty year old male patient came to me about 4 years ago. Patient’s height was about five feet, and he was slightly overweight. He said he has got warts on scrotum for about 3 years which are increasing gradually. Warts were of skin colour and of rounded shape. Apart from this, the patient said that he gets on and off vesicular er…
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A Case of Genital Warts on Penis & Urethra Treated with Sulphur

This 24 years old male patient came to me 2 years back. He said that his problem of HPV started fifteen days after getting a body massage at a spa. He immediately consulted a dermatologist who removed his warts from glans penis and urethra by freezing. But after 2 months warts came back and that too bigger and more than before. Patie…
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How to Get Rid of Chronic Recurrent UTI with Homeopathy

The full form of UTI is Urinary Tract Infection. What is Chronic Recurrent UTI Chronic recurrent UTIs are those infections of urinary tract which do not respond to antibiotics and trouble the patients by recurring. When these infections affect the kidneys, it is called nephritis / pyelonephritis. When they affect the bladder, it is called cystitis.…
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Don’t Start IBS Homeopathy Treatment Until You Read This!

IBS is also known as irritable bowel syndrome. IBS is a chronic condition in which there is recurrent abdominal pain, discomfort, distension; and an altered bowel habit which may be diarrhea or constipation. Interestingly all tests and investigations are normal. It is the most common problem of the digestive system. I have seen that IBS disturbs pa…
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How I Treated a Case of Piles (Hemorrhoids) with Acidum Nitricum

This 22 years old female patient came to me about 3 years ago for the treatment of piles. The patient said that she has been suffering from piles for 2 months and her piles also swell in between. The patient said that she gets bright red color bleeding during stool. After stool there is severe pain in the rectum and anal area. She said …
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How I Treated a Case of Vaginal Genital Warts with Phosphorus

This female patient came to me 4 years ago and said that she has been suffering from vagina and vulvar warts for the last one year. Patient got these warts cauterized twice from a dermatologist, but warts reoccurred and increased in number. Due to cauterization vulvar and vaginal skin became unsightly and scarred.  Dermatologist advis…
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Don’t Start Vaginal Yeast Infection Treatment Until You Read This!

Friends, today we will discuss about whether vaginal yeast infection has treatment in homeopathy? If yes, then how it is done. What is Vaginal Yeast Infection & its Symptoms? Vaginal yeast infection is also known as vaginal fungal infection and vaginal candida. It causes a smelly, thick, white yellow discharge accompanied by itching, redness, …
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3 Simple Tips to Reduce HbA1c (Blood Sugar)

3 Simple Tips to Reduce HbA1c (Blood Sugar) Patients regularly ask me what else they can do to reduce HbA1c apart from taking my remedies. I will not share fancy things but simple ones. I have seen in my practice that these tips are super effective. Stop sugar in any form. Stop eating sweets. Do not add sugar to anything. Reduce rice and…
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Don’t Start Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment Until You Read This!

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or CTS Carpal tunnel syndrome is also called CTS. Carpal tunnel is a narrow passage surrounded by bones and ligaments. Tendons and nerves pass through this tunnel and go into hands and fingers. Three nerves pass through the wrist into the hand; these are median, ulnar, and radial. When there …
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Don’t Start Sinusitis Homeopathy Treatment Until You Watch This!

What is Sinusitis Chronic allergy or infection of the nose and throat obstruct the normal nasal discharge which leads to nasal congestion. This congestion becomes a breeding ground for more and more infections which then cause the lining in the sinuses to become inflamed and swollen. Sinusitis is an infection and inflammation of…
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Virus, Bacteria, Immunity & Homeopathy

“Virus & bacteria are not the cause of the disease but are the end product of the disease process.” What this means is that virus & bacteria come into picture in the last stage of the disease process; they come in the end. Understand this carefully; first our body gets weak, it gets ill from inside, the immune system gets susceptible …
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Don’t Take Homeopathic Medicines Until You Read This!

Many of my patients ask me, “What is the right way to take homeopathic medicines”. I will explain this question in 3 parts because basically homeopathic medicines are of 3 types. Liquid potencies like 30c, 200c, 1M and so on. Liquid mother tinctures in which ᶿ (theta) or Q is mentioned after the name of medicine. Biochemic tablets lik…
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Can a Diabetes Patient take Sweet Homeopathy Pills?

In my practice diabetes patients regularly ask me whether they can take sweet homeopathic pills. The answer to this query is – Yes; sweet homeopathic pills can be taken by diabetes patient without any problem. I generally prescribe medicine for a month; and this one-month medicine contains sugar that is approximately equal to one fourth of a …
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Understand the Basis of Homeopathy Before Taking it

Homeopathy is a system of medicine which is about 200 years old. Homeopathy was founded in Germany, Europe and not in India. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann was the founder of homeopathy who was a renowned highly qualified German allopath of his time. The basic principle of homeopathy is ‘Similia Similibus Curentur’ which means ‘likes are cured by li…
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How to Get Rid of Skin Lichen Planus Naturally with Homeopathy

What is Skin Lichen Planus & its Symptoms Skin lichen planus is very common these days. It is an autoimmune disorder in which body’s immune system attacks its own skin cells. This causes inflammatory lesions on skin which are reddish, purplish, flat, scaly, and itchy. During healing these become dark brown in color. These lesions can hap…
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How to Get Rid of Oral Lichen Planus Naturally with Homeopathy

What is oral lichen planus? Oral lichen planus is also known as oral LP. This is an autoimmune disorder. In oral LP inflammatory lesions develop on the mucous membrane of mouth. It generally affects the inside of cheeks, lips, gums, tongue and palate. Sometimes along with oral lichen planus skin lesions also develop. It is very important …
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Don’t Start Eye Floaters Homeopathic Treatment Until You Read This!

Symptoms of Eye Floaters In vision small black or grey color spots, strings and cobwebs appear and remain floating. When a patient moves his eyes then these floaters also move; and when the patient tries to look at them, they move away quickly. These spots are more visible when a patient looks at a plain bright background such as blue sk…
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Don’t Start Atopic Dermatitis Homeopathy Treatment Until You Read This!

What is Atopic Dermatitis The word ‘atopic’ refers to diseases that are hereditary and tend to run in families. The word ‘dermatitis’ means inflammation of the skin. Atopic dermatitis is also known as ‘AD’. It is a skin disease characterized by severe itching, redness, scaling and excoriation. Excoriation means loss of surface of the skin. …
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Don’t Start Vertigo Homeopathy Treatment Until You Read This!

Allopathic Treatment Before we discuss about homeopathy let us know the allopathic treatment of vertigo. When a vertigo patient consults an allopathic doctor; he prescribes medicines like Vertin, Benadryl, Phenergan, Valium. With this treatment, the symptoms of the patient get better. But as soon as the treatment is stopped, all the symptom…
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Don’t Start Urticaria Homeopathic Treatment Until You Read This!

What is Urticaria? The simple meaning of urticaria is red skin rashes with itching which is due to an allergy. These allergic rashes can remain from few minutes to few hours. If along with these rashes there is also swelling, then this is known as angioedema. Sometimes this swelling can occur without rashes. If this swelling occurs in the…
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Can Medicines Take Out Gallbladder Stones?

This question is asked by our patients regularly. I have been doing regular medical practice since 1997 and I have never seen removal of gall stones with medicines in my entire career. Any kind of medicines – Ayurvedic, Unani, Herbal, Siddha, Homeopathy can’t remove gall stones. If a doctor is telling you that he will remove or dissolve ga…
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Do not Start Fatty Liver Homeopathic Treatment Until You Read This!

What is Fatty Liver? Deposition of excess fat in the liver cells is known as fatty liver. Fatty liver causes liver inflammation due to which liver damage can happen. Fatty liver is also known as steatohepatitis. Fatty liver can convert into fibrosis of liver and later into cirrhosis of liver which is End Stage Liver Disease. There is no t…
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Can Homeopathy Treat Urethral Stricture

What is Urethral Stricture? When an elderly person must go for urination quite frequently or he gets sudden urging for urination or interrupted urination, then generally a doctor thinks of prostate enlargement. But if similar symptoms are happening in a young person, then it may be due to the narrowing of the urethra which is known as urethral …
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Can Homeopathy Treat Hypothyroidism

What is Hypothyroidism? In simple terms, hypothyroidism reduces the ability of the thyroid gland to function, which reduces the production of thyroxine. Allopathic Treatment HRT (Hormonal Replacement Therapy) is given world over for hypothyroidism in allopathy. Whether you go to any doctor in the world, he will prescribe you thyroxine no matter …
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Do not Start Fatty Liver Homeopathic Treatment Until You Read This!

What is Fatty Liver? Deposition of excess fat in the liver cells is known as fatty liver. Fatty liver causes liver inflammation and due to which liver damage can happen. Fatty liver is also known as steatohepatitis. Fatty liver can convert into fibrosis of liver and later into cirrhosis of liver which is end stage liver disease. There is no trea…
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How to Treat PCOS Naturally with Homeopathy?

What is PCOS or PCOD? PCOS is also known as PCOD. PCOS is Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. This is a hormonal problem which is very common among females these days. In PCOS the male hormones also known as androgens increase, due to which multiple cysts form in the ovary. The cyst formation causes difficulty in releasing of eggs. Allopathic Treatmen…
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Don’t Start Genital Warts Homeopathy Treatment Until You Read This!

What are Genital or Anal Warts including Causes & Complications Genital or anal warts are soft fleshy growths. These warts are the most common STDs (Sexually Transmitted Disease). The culprit virus is HPV (Human Papilloma Virus). These are also called condylomata acuminata and venereal warts. If I talk about 15 years ago, genital warts were …
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Don’t Start Balanitis Homeopathy Treatment Until You Read This!

What is Balanitis or Balanoposthitis Balanitis is an inflammation of the head and foreskin of penis. Head of penis is also known as glans penis. Basically, there is swelling and redness of glans penis and foreskin. Causes of Balanitis There are many reasons inflammation of glans penis and foreskin. Infections like STDs, yeast infection, bacteria…
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