What are Genital or Anal Warts, its Causes & Complications

Genital or anal warts are soft fleshy growths. These warts are the most common STDs (Sexually Transmitted Disease).

The culprit virus is HPV (Human Papilloma Virus).

These are also called condylomata acuminata and venereal warts.

If I talk about 15 years ago, genital warts were common in USA, Europe, and other developed countries. But nowadays this disease has become very common in India as well.

According to me the reason is modern lifestyle & travelling.

A lot of studies have found that genital warts can cause cancer later in life.

Sometimes during pregnancy genital warts increase in size due to which urination and delivery becomes difficult. Bleeding from warts can also happen during delivery.

Symptoms & Location

Generally genital warts and anal warts are painless. These are of brown, pink, or grey in color.

In males the location of these warts is penis, scrotum, thighs, and groin.

In females the location of genital warts is vulva, vagina, and cervix of uterus.

These warts can also affect anal area both in males and females.

If HPV infection has transmitted through oral sex, then genital warts can happen in mouth and in throat.

The appearance of genital warts varies from person to person.

These warts can appear single or in clusters and look like cauliflower.

These warts can itch, bleed; discharge can also happen.

How do You Get Genital or Anal Warts?

Genital warts generally affect sexually active males and females.

I have seen in my clinical practice, which I have been doing since 1997, that this problem is more common in the 18 to 45 years of age group.

You get genital warts when you have vaginal sex, anal sex, or oral sex with an infected person. It usually takes 2 to 3 months to develop warts after exposure.

Risk Factors

  1. Sex without condom with multiple partners.
  2. If you have another STD, then this increases your chance of getting HPV.
  3. Low immunity due to HIV infection or if the patient is on immunosuppressant drugs like corticosteroids; this will increase your chances to get infection.
  4. Becoming sexually active at a very young age.
  5. Anal intercourse.
  7. Poor personal hygiene.
  8. Heavy sweating.