Ankylosing Spondylitis is a type of arthritis that affects the spine and sacroiliac joint. It causes inflammation of the spinal joints that can lead to severe chronic pain and discomfort.
The chronic inflammation and irritation of the spinal joints can eventually cause the vertebrae to fuse together which is known as ankyloses.
Ultimately the fusion of vertebrae leads to loss of spinal mobility and function.
How I Use Homeopathy for Treating AS
AS is a lifelong problem, and patients who fail to continue their treatment risk permanent loss of posture and mobility. If homeopathic treatment is started in the initial stages when not too much of the elastic tissue is lost, then homeopathy works like magic.
In the later stages of AS when bone formation has replaced elastic tissue then homeopathic medicines may not be able to reverse the situation but can still help in easing many symptoms.
Our homeopathic treatment works in 2 ways:
- As you know that AS is an autoimmune disorder, therefore I control the underlying disease process.
- I provide relief in pain and stiffness with the help of acute medicines.
By doing this, patient’s requirement of allopathic pain killers, corticosteroids, TNF alpha blockers is gradually reduced and ultimately ended. We all know the serious side effects of allopathic pain killers, corticosteroids, and alpha blockers.
Most of the AS patients who consult me want to quit allopathic medicines due to their side effects. They want their pain and stiffness to be treated naturally without any side effects.
My Method of Treating AS
As we know AS is an autoimmune disorder, therefore I prescribe constitutional homeopathic treatment.
First, I take the complete case history of the patient. I note his physical, mental, emotional symptoms. Then I see the reports confirming HLA B27 but sometimes the disease can be seronegative.
Then I analyze his history from every angle and finally find out the constitutional remedy of the patient.
Remedy prescribed in this way reduces the pain and stiffness of the patient and prevents further progression of the disease.
3 Factors which Reduce Effectivity of Homeopathy in AS
According to me, 3 factors which reduce effectivity of homeopathy in AS cases are:
- The homeopathic doctor you are consulting is not prescribing you medicines after proper case taking and case analysis. He is not doing classical homeopathy.
- The lifestyle of the patient is unhealthy and sedentary.
- Due to mental tension in the life of the patient, his body is not recovering fast.
Number of Medicines
There are around 17 medicines in homeopathy for AS which are very effective. Now which of these medicines are to be given, in how much potency, how many times a day; all this is a complicated process and only a highly qualified and experienced doctor can do it.
A sensible doctor does not give medicines only on the name of AS. He takes complete history of the patient, note down all the symptoms; then studies all the physical, mental, emotional symptoms properly. Then he properly analyzes his history from every angle. After this he selects the medicine keeping in mind the susceptibility of the patient and decide upon the potency and repetition of doses.
In AS I prescribe for one month and after that I review the patient. Every month the case is studied again; thereby fine tuning the medicines and their potencies.
Name of Medicines
In this blog I have not named any medicines, nor I have promoted medicines of any company; because by doing so I will be playing with your health and may harm you. A sane doctor will never do this!
In my opinion, homeopathic treatment is strongly recommended in all cases of AS because it improves quality of life and there are no side effects.
Lifestyle Management Tips
There is no known way to prevent ankylosing spondylitis, but it can be managed with medicines and some do’s and don’ts:
- The patient should keep his posture correct and keep the spine straight.
- The patient should sit on a firm, straight and supportive chair. Avoid low, soft, chairs and sofas as this encourages bad posture and increases pain.
- AS patient should not sit for long; he should try to move around in between.
- Their bed should not be too soft or too hard. Try not to use more pillows.
- AS patient should exercise daily. Apart from this, he should do stretching after waking and before sleeping.
- Deep breathing for several minutes each day will keep spine and ribs joints mobile.
- AS patient should take warm baths.
- Diet should be healthy and protein rich. Fruits, vegetables, and milk are important.
- Smoking should be totally avoided.
- Physiotherapy has very important role in AS. Patient should learn an exercise routine and should do it regularly. This will help in increasing the range of movement of joints.