This 20 years old male patient came to me 2 years back.

He said that his problem of genital herpes started 3 years ago.

He gets outbreaks every 15 days on the shaft of penis.

Outbreak starts as small reddish eruptions which are also known as red vesicular eruptions.

These vesicular eruptions then break and ulcerate and form blisters.

To control this outbreak, the patient takes allopathic treatment which gives relief but after 15 days another outbreak occurs.

Patient’s HSV IgG was highly increased.

Apart from this he was suffering from constipation.

Patient said that he is very disturbed by this problem, and he is getting suicidal thoughts and he no longer wants to live.

Friends, there are 53 homeopathic medicines for genital herpes.

Now from these 53 medicines I chose Mercurius solubilis and prescribed it as and when required.

Gradually the frequency and severity of outbreaks reduced drastically.

It took me 12 months to heal this genital herpes case completely.

His constipation and suicidal tendency got completely better within 2 months of treatment.

Many doctors and medical students also follow our blogs. For the sake of their knowledge, let me tell you why I chose Merc sol.

If you study Materia Medica, you will see that the symptom suicidal tendency is strongly covered in Mercurius solubilis along with other symptoms of the patient.

According to me, mind symptom suicidal thought should be given utmost importance to make an effective prescription.

Merc sol also strongly covers his symptoms like herpetic red vesicular eruptions on penis, ulcers and blisters on penis, and constipation.