Patients regularly ask me what else they can do to recover from Asthma apart from taking my remedies. I will share 6 simple tips which are super effective.

  1. Save yourself from cold. AC should not be chilled. Do not eat cold food and drinks. Avoid fruits like banana, guava and so on.
  2. Avoid sour food items. Avoid things like chips, Kurkure, candies, sauce, ketchup. Avoid curd. Avoid food containing colors and preservatives.
  3. Wear mask when going out in polluted air. Use air purifier at home.
  4. Avoid tobacco smoking, vaping, hukkah.
  5. Keep your office and home super clean and keep less things.
  6. Drink ginger tea at least twice a day.
  7. Take ¼ teaspoon of Chyawanprash once a day.